READ : Luke 14:25-30

Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” – Ecclesiastes 7:8

There are three main things that will test everyone’s loyalty: distance, time and fire. If you pass these tests, then your loyalty is real.

There is the test of distance. Paul had to exhort a branch of his church in Galatia to stay faithful even though he was not physically present with them (Galatians 4:18). Many companies do not work efficiently unless the manager is physically present.

Time is yet another test of loyalty; time will test our resolve to stay loyal to our words. How much longer will you last in the ministry? For how much longer will you preach the things God told you to preach? How much more time has to elapse before you rebel against your leader? Are you going to be an early leaver, a late leaver, or will you stay until the end?

Fire represents all kinds of pressures that will come against you. When you work in an organization, a transfer or an instruction you do not like could be a test. Fire could be spiritual, social, marital or financial! Those who come out of the fire unscathed are most valuable to God. These tests should not make you disloyal to your God.

God often puts the heat on His servants in order to bring the best out of them (Malachi 3:3). When you have passed through the tests, you will shine and become more attractive. Decide to be a survivor! Develop staying power! Be loyal to God until your very last breath! Be loyal to your pastor and to your church until the end!