READ: Jeremiah 30:18-24

And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I WILL MULTIPLY THEM, and THEY SHALL NOT BE FEW; I will also glorify them, and THEY SHALL NOT BE SMALL.” – Jeremiah 30:19

Achieving church growth is one of the most difficult things to do. Many pastors are not able to make their churches grow. Many pastors find it very difficult to grow beyond seventy members. There are very few churches that have a thousand real members sitting in church on a Sunday morning. The gates of hell are postured against the church. Demons keep coming out of the gates of hell to attack the advancing church. You must fight to achieve church growth. Let it be one of the great ambitions of your life. Make church growth one of the ambitions of your life. You will accomplish it.

Your church can grow if the Holy Spirit is working through you. You can have many church members if you attempt great things for God.

1. Attempt to achieve church growth to the level of three thousand members.… and the same day there were added unto them about THREE THOUSAND SOULS. Acts 2:41

2. Attempt to achieve church growth to the level of five thousand members. Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about FIVE THOUSAND. Acts 4:4

3. Attempt to achieve church growth until everything is multiplied. And in those days, when THE NUMBER OF THE DISCIPLES WAS MULTIPLIED, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews,… Acts 6:1

The prophecy is clear. You are destined to multiply. You are destined to be great! You shall not be few! You shall not be small! (Jeremiah 30:19)