READ: Matthew 27:57-61

…Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple: …went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock… ” – Matthew 27:57 60

It is good to honour someone when he cannot see you or hear you honouring him. Joseph of Arimathea honoured Jesus when he was dead. Jesus was not there to see Joseph of Arimathea begging for His body from Pontius Pilate.

Jesus could not see Joseph of Arimathea wrapping His body in a white linen cloth. Jesus could not hear the loving words and acts of Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus did not see how Joseph of Arimathea donated his new expensive tomb to Him. It was an offering that was done in secret.

Most people give honour when it can be seen! They want you to know that they are saying nice words and doing nice things. When someone gives honour, he expects to be rewarded for his good deeds of showing honour. It is because of our deep hypocrisy that we love to show respect in a way that can be paid back.

I was once preaching at a camp meeting and made mention of a man of God whose son was sitting in the meeting. I felt uneasy after the service. So I called the son and said to him, “Do not think that I am mentioning your father’s name because you are sitting here. For many years, I have mentioned his name in my camp meetings. I have given him honour many times, even though he is not present.” You see, I wanted to make the point that I was not giving honour to his father because he was present.

There is a higher and more genuine level of giving honour when you do so without being seen or
acknowledged by men.