READ: Matthew 16:13-20

For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; ” – Colossians 2:1

Anyone who attempts to build the church of God must be ready for a fight. Building churches is warfare!

Church growth is warfare! Church planting is warfare! The gates of hell are postured against the building of the church. All types of devils are released against the building of the church. Without the willingness to fight, you cannot build the church of God. It is only when Jesus spoke of building the church that He mentioned the gates of Hell. The gates of Hell are not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. This should send alarm bells ringing into the hearts of anyone who wants to build the church. Church planting only happens to those who are willing to go to war. Do you want to attempt great things for God? Do you want to attempt to fight for God? What a great thing that would be if you can help in fighting to build the church of God! Remember, you will be fighting directly against the gates of Hell.

When you are tired of fighting you are tired of living! When you are tired of fighting, get ready to stop work and die. Attempting great things is all about fighting for God, fighting for the church and fighting for the name of Jesus Christ.

Most of life is a fight to achieve something or a fight to overcome something. Decide that your fight will be a fight for God! Paul declared that he had a great conflict because of the souls at Colossae and the souls at Laodicea. A great conflict for a worthy cause is a great thing! A great conflict for souls is a good thing!