Read : Matthew 24:45-51

…Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things…” – Matthew 25:21

This Scripture (Matthew 25:21) outlines two important blessings that follow loyal or faithful people.

The first blessing of faithfulness is growth. Loyal people receive an increase (many things) from the Lord. As you pray for growth in your church and ministry, remember that loyalty is the master key to expansion. Loyalty makes you persist in the same thing until it bears fruit.

A closer look will reveal that there are some common denominators in every large church. Almost all large churches are led by pastors who have remained faithful to the same church for a long time. When pastors move around every few years, they do not experience consistent growth. Ask God for the privilege of investing your entire life in one location.

I am in the ministry for the rest of my life. My commitment to the people around me is a lifetime commitment and vice versa. I am loyal to them and I pray that they will be loyal to me. The blessing of largeness is reserved for faithful and loyal people.

The second blessing of faithfulness is entering the joy of the Lord. Loyal people experience the favour of God. When the favour of God is upon you, your enemies will not flourish around you (Psalm 41:11). Be a loyal person so that you can have great growth in your business or ministry. Be a loyal person so that you can have God’s favour over all that you set your hand to do.