READ: Mark 26:6-13

And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.” – Hebrews 7:7

Humility is an important step in honouring someone. Without humility, you will not see the greatness of a person as you should. The anointing does not flow upwards. Anointing does not flow horizontally. If you are not humble in relation to a person, you cannot honour him.

Honour is upward. You do not honour somebody who is below you. Honour is usually directed at someone above you. Failure to honour is often evidence of pride.

The woman with the alabaster box is a great example of the beauty of a humble person who honours another. This lady humbled herself by kneeling down and even using her hair to wipe Jesus’ feet. That is a very humble act. It is because you are not small in your own eyes that certain ministers are not great to you.

Mary was humble. She honoured Jesus greatly. She brought an alabaster box of oil and honoured Jesus famously. She is noted for the unusual honour she bestowed on Jesus, by pouring an expensive alabaster box of ointment on Him. Jesus did not rebuke this lady! Jesus did not warn her to stay away from Him. Jesus did not correct her, as He did with many other people. He rather said she was doing a good thing. She was memorialized and will be remembered far more than any man of God can ever hope for. Indeed, giving honour is an important act with far reaching consequences!

Many people have the experience of having a very great man of God in their lives, in their homes or in their offices but few ever honour a man of God in this way