READ: Mark 7:14-23
Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. :- Proverbs 4:23 (NASB)
Jesus clearly taught us that it is things that are done from the heart that have an ability to change or affect us. This is why your heart must be kept with all diligence; because your heart is the place where power and authority springs from. Indeed, Solomon the wise man declared that the heart is the source of the springs of life.
The spring of life-giving water that waters and grows God’s field into a luscious forest will not come from your mind but your heart. Every man of God who releases life-giving water will see a field full of growing trees. It’s time to stop ministering words that just give mental pleasures. It’s time to stop using big words and quoting from encyclopaedias just to impress the world.
Get the true Word deep into your heart and minister the Word of God as a life-giving force. You will soon see 1000 micro churches, instead of a struggling church trying to prevent relegation!
It is exceedingly wise to be in a state of constant preparation. You must be in a state of constant preparation so that the Word of God will be in your heart. You will never be a good preacher unless your preaching is from your heart. And you will never really preach from your heart unless you are always in a constant state of preparation! Why is preaching from the heart so important? Because it is only when preaching is from your heart that it impacts the hearers.
Constant preparation is needed because of opportunities that will come when you are not expecting them. Be ready for the greatest opportunity of your life by being in constant preparation. Do not forget the famous formula:
preparation + opportunity = success!