READ: 2 Kings 2:1-15

…that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” – Ephesians 1:18

There is something known as spiritual inheritance. This spiritual inheritance of anointing and gifts passes naturally from fathers to sons. It does not pass from father to equals, colleagues and friends. It does not even pass from father to servants. An inheritance will only flow from the fathers to their sons and daughters. Only when you receive your man of God as a father do you receive the benefit of an inheritance.

You will notice from the story of Elisha that he had an earthly father called Shaphat (2 Kings 3:11). However, at the time Elijah was being taken away, Elisha referred to Elijah as his father. He did this effortlessly and naturally.

Why is it important to receive your man of God as a father? This is because fathers leave behind an inheritance for their children.

A person with an inheritance is very different from someone without it. A person who has a father receives guidance and direction for his life. I have met countless people who did not receive guidance for their lives. They threw away their talents and became nonentities because there was no father to guide them. The situation is even worse for orphans! Struggles abound for orphans. The future of an orphan is very uncertain.

Inheritance flows naturally from a father to his children. In the ministry, spiritual inheritance flows naturally from the fathers to the sons.