READ: Psalm 107:31-43

My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times.” – Psalm 119:20

Jesus taught us that God is prepared to give us what we want. God knows that you have a will. You can choose to serve Him or not! God wants to work with people who have chosen to and are willing to serve Him.

The fact that you are a Christian does not mean that you no longer have a will or a desire for certain things. God knows that and He encourages you to come to Him and ask for what you wish.

Of course, there are some conditions. John 15:7 is one of the Scriptures I love. When you abide in Christ, your desires will line up with the Word of God. I came to know the Lord years ago. My desire now is to win more people to Christ. I desire to experience church growth and the blessings of the Holy Spirit.

There is a certain level of spiritual maturity where carnal things do not mean so much to you. As you abide in Christ and His Word abides in you, you will desire things that are consistent with the Word of God. When you name them and claim them, you will receive them.

When you have the right heart, wealth and riches cannot destroy you. All the patriarchs who served the Lord were blessed with abundance and wealth.

From today, begin to name all the things that you desire from your heavenly Father. He is standing by to respond to your faith. Don’t forget that God is impressed with people who believe in Him.