READ: Revelation 2:7-11

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” – Daniel 12:3

God has promised that those who win souls and turn many lives to Christ will enjoy a permanent status of stardom in Heaven. The glory of the film stars and pop stars of this world is fleeting; some of them were so famous in their lifetimes, yet a few years down the line, they were forgotten. God has promised every soul winner that he will be a star forever. Several other special rewards are listed for those who lived and worked for Jesus.

There is going to be a special occasion where dinner will be served at the Tree of Life. Make sure that you are invited to the dinner at the Tree of Life. Everyone that overcomes in the ministry will receive this special invitation (Revelation 2:7).

Inclusion in the royal family of Heaven is another reward. A crown separates royalty from the commoners (Revelation 2:10). Fortunately, you and I have a chance to possess a crown and become royalty in Heaven. Missionaries who have been faithful unto death can expect to be members of the royal family of Heaven.

Yet another reward for the faithful is escape from the second death (Revelation 2:11). Everyone that overcomes has this great promise: you will not be hurt or experience damage through the process of the second death.

I hope you see your advantages piling up as you overcome in the ministry. These things look like insignificant prizes. One day, it will matter whether you have them or not