READ: Esther 3:5-6; 4:7-17

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free…” – Isaiah 58:6

Esther sent an important message back to Mordecai. She explained that it would not be possible for her to walk into the king’s parlour without being invited. She explained that she would lose her life if she did so.

But Esther put God before her marriage. She obeyed the Word of God. She was prepared to sacrifice her life if that was what it meant. She remembered where she came from. How many women would be prepared to make such a sacrifice for a spiritual cause? If you put God first, you will invoke a blessing upon your life.

Esther asked the people to fast and pray. She believed that prayer and fasting would bring solutions. Wives, in all your getting, get prayer and fasting. Perhaps, no one can change your husband’s mind. But I know one thing that can help to break every barrier down – prayer and fasting.

Your destiny is determined more by prayer than anything else. Jesus determined His destiny by prayer. Three hours of prayer in the garden of Gethsemane ensured that everything would go as planned.

People of God: learn from Esther’s example. Shape your marriages through prayer. Carve out your future with hours of prayer. Pray in the day, pray in the night. Pray all the time. Pray without ceasing!