READ: Revelation 10:8-11

…And he said unto me, Take it, and EAT IT UP; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.” – Revelation 10:9

“Reading” a book is different from “eating” a book. When you “eat” something and digest it, it becomes a part of you. It is dissolved, digested and absorbed into your very flesh. When you “eat” a book, it completely dissolves, disappears and is absorbed into your flesh. When you have “eaten” a book it becomes a part of you. No one is able to tell where you got your revelation from when you speak. The revelation has become a part of you and when you speak you are speaking of yourself.

Most people do not “eat” books. That is why they do not benefit from them. Continuous and repeated reading, combined with studying and referring to the Bible will help you in your quest to “eat” a book. Reading a book over and over and listening to messages on the same subject will help you to digest a book.

To the making of many books there will be no end. There are simply millions of books that have been produced. It is important therefore to distinguish between the books God has sent to you and the ones you must not waste your time on. A God-sent book will be sweet in your mouth. Do not waste your time on books that are bitter from the word go. As soon as I notice that I struggle to understand the basics in a book, I consider it not to be one of the books God has sent to me through His angel.

When God sends you a book, He makes it palatable, enjoyable and readable. There are books you cannot read because you do not understand them. There are many books I simply do not understand. The books you do not understand are not the books that God has sent to you. Take note of books that are sweet and enjoyable to read.