READ: 2 Samuel 15:1-13

…so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel” – 2 Samuel 15:6

Absalom needed to gain a following and he knew what to do. He had to win the hearts of the people. Unfortunately, Absalom had no right to the hearts of the people. That is why the Bible uses the phrase “he stole the hearts” of the people.

Dangerous sons want what does not belong to them. The most valuable thing a leader possesses is the heart of his followers. If their hearts are with you, then you are in control. Leadership is all about winning the hearts of those you lead. When David realized that the hearts of the people were with Absalom, he knew that he had to flee.

“Absaloms” are usually handsome or gifted individuals. Unfortunately, it is gifted, anointed and successful ministers who are tempted to become “Absaloms”. Every senior pastor must watch the “gifted” ones closely. It is a real temptation to become a dangerous son when you are gifted. Mysteriously, the very gift that God gives can become a snare to you. As someone said, “Can you stand to be blessed?” Do not let your gift become your snare.

Can you carry an anointing? Can you carry an anointing for long? Can you be gifted without becoming disloyal? Can you be a blessed son without becoming an Absalom? Can you be rich without becoming proud? Can you have access to the people without stealing their hearts? Can anyone leave you in charge of his church without your taking over? Can someone found a church and leave it in your care for a year without your stealing the hearts of the people?