READ: Luke 5:4-11

I am crucified with christ: nevertheless i live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me…” – Galatians 2:20

The ministry is not an alternative source of employment for anyone. It is a special job that God gives to those whom He has called. As the church becomes larger, it often deteriorates into a source of employment for the unemployed. It becomes full of seekers of wealth and lovers of silver. These pastors, who are seeking for gold, end up in one long fight for better salaries and conditions of service.

A minister who is going to serve God properly must have died to the love for silver and gold (Ecclesiastes 5:10). The Bible teaches that those that love silver are never satisfied with silver. The more you give them, the more they want. Why is it that the richest people in this world are often the biggest thieves? It is because of the greed for more and more and more!

I believe that full-time ministers must be people who just want to serve the Lord at heart. This does not mean that people will be poor but it means that the heart is not craving endlessly after more and more.

Anyone entering into full-time ministry must be open for whatever the future will bring. There must be a total surrender for all possibilities. You may have abundance or you may live in the “want of all things”. Are you ready for anything?