READ: Genesis 3:1-7

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33

Adam the first man, also wanted to make himself a god. He wanted to become much greater than God had made him. Satan tempted him and pushed him to go higher to experience something greater.

This was satan’s temptation to the first man – and it is his temptation for all of us! Throughout your life, you will be offered things God has not given you, you will be tempted to have things God has not given you. You will be tempted with self-promotion.

In the Bible, Jesus offers us the opportunity to work for Him so that He can look after us. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Unfortunately, we want to seek these things for ourselves instead of allowing God to give them to us.

Many who sought to be elevated financially, have rather been thrown down and are wallowing in financial darkness and great difficulty. Today, many of the people who sought to have their eyes opened are living in darkness. Just as Lucifer was thrown down into darkness and difficulty, many Christians have been thrown into darkness and difficulty because they tried to do it themselves.

Do not bother to promote yourself ! Don’t try promoting yourself ! Man wanted his eyes to be opened! Man wanted to be like a god! Man is constantly making efforts to be like a god but he has rather fallen and become like an animal. Self-promotion is a bad idea! Allow God to lift you up Himself ! It is time to help “others” rather than helping yourself !

Promotion does not come from the east or the west. Promotion comes from God. Let God lift you up! Think about “others” and God will think about you!