READ: Proverbs 24:30-34

He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. – Proverbs 18:9

Anyone who thinks that rich people feel sorry for poor people is immature and inexperienced. Don’t deceive yourself ! Generally speaking, rich people do not feel sorry for poor
people. Experienced men know that there are reasons why poor people continue to be poor. In addition, human selfishness will always cause the rich man to be more concerned about his toothache than about the poor man’s life-threatening problems.

Rich people do not feel sorry for poor people because poor people chase after fantasies. “…but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough” (Proverbs 28:19).

Leaders of poor countries are specialists of travelling to rich countries to ask for help and loans. They chase fantasies whilst good leaders stay in their own countries, ensuring that practical things are done. Pastors with undeveloped church buildings love to travel around, spending a lot of time moving between America and Europe, but never developing their
own local church.

Rich people do not feel sorry for poor people because many poor people are lazy. Proverbs teaches that it is easy to see the field of a lazy person (a sluggard). I am not saying that all poor people are lazy. But I have noticed how some people stay in poverty because they do not want to work hard. Phlegmatic people are often too lazy to lift up themselves and do their work. I have also watched people work hard and rise out of difficulty. A lazy person always has a reason for not achieving his targets. The notion that poverty is caused by laziness is very biblical. King Solomon observed this phenomenon and recorded it.

I passed by THE FIELD OF THE SLUGGARD …Proverbs 24:30 (NASB)