READ : Luke 15:11-32

…but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” – Matthew 25:29

The word “opportunity” means “favourable time, occasion or set of circumstances”. Many people do not only waste their money, but also their lives, resources and opportunities. One way that people lose good opportunities that come to them is by being extravagant. When you live beyond your means or spend money in excess, you have an extravagant lifestyle.

Jesus told the story which has come to be known as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son”. This son wasted a number of good opportunities by wasting the opportunity to benefit from the advice his father gave him.

The loving father had a party for the prodigal boy. However, note what he told the older son, “…all that l have is thine.” This implied that all that was left of the father’s property belonged to the older son. Yes, there was a party for the prodigal son when he returned home but he had already squandered what his father had bequeathed him. Therefore, if he would get anything, it would depend on the benevolence of his elder brother. The opportunity to have a good start in life had slipped away from him forever.

Be careful not to waste the opportunities God is giving you! Like Judas, you could be in a good church, have a good pastor who teaches you the Word of God, and take it all for granted. Do not waste the opportunity of good advice that comes your way!