READ: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Now Elisabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son.” – Luke 1:57

Time determines many things. There are things that are possible just because they are being done at a certain time. When certain things are attempted at the wrong time, they do not work. You may try to start a church, but it will not work because it is the wrong time. You may try to write a book, but it will not be successful because it is the wrong time.

I remember a brother who started a church in his forties. He really struggled to do witnessing and door to-door preaching. He seemed to be too old for spiritual activities that required youthfulness and strength. The ministry struggled to grow beyond thirty people. If he had started this church in his twenties, I think it may have had a different outcome. If I were to start my ministry at my current age, I do not think it would have the same impact and level of fruitfulness it has now.

Time is a strong determinant of many things. A woman has only a short period of fruitfulness. If she waits beyond a certain point, she is likely to struggle to have children. The same man and the same frequency of sexual intercourse may yield nothing, whereas she may have easily become pregnant with the same man five years earlier. You must always be conscious of time.

Time determines the people you will meet in life and the people you will work with. Jesus was destined to meet John the Baptist. He needed to interact with him as part of His ministry and calling. Time determined why Elisabeth delayed in childbearing, and time determined the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:36).