READ: Titus 1:5-16

“…for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy…” Hebrews 13:17

Every leader will give account for what he or she is doing. Are you ready to account to God for the sheep He gave you? Jesus kept on saying that He had lost none of the sheep God had given him except the son of perdition. Paul kept saying that he would have to give account. These were leaders who were constantly thinking about the day of accountability.

Leadership is a great responsibility. I remember years ago, watching on TV as several Ghanaian heads of state and ministers were executed by a firing squad. It was pathetic to see important people being humiliated and murdered. Most ordinary citizens did not receive such treatment. This is because most ordinary men had not taken up the responsibility of ruling the country. However, those who had taken up responsibility of leadership had to pay with their lives.

If you are constantly reminded that you will account for your leadership, you will become a better leader. Always remember that the day of accountability is coming. This will make you do the right thing. I am constantly aware that I will have to account to God for my ministry. I know that I will have to account for the members in my churches. This is why I mak great efforts to look after them.

Are you a leader? Are you constantly thinking of your day of accountability? Please do! It is the key to the greatest inner motivation.