READ: 2 Kings 5:1, 14-27

Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself” – 1 Timothy 6:5

Covetousness is a spirit that seeks to receive many things that are not appropriate at the time. Gehazi had the spirit of covetousness and he needed to receive a parcel of gifts and wealth that was not appropriate for the time. Elisha identified the spirit of covetousness in his protégé, Gehazi. Elisha actually rejected Gehazi because of the wealth-grasping spirit. Gehazi received a curse for desiring and receiving gifts inappropriately. This curse may also be available today for those who are desiring and receiving too many gifts.

Identify the spirit of covetousness in ministers. Disconnect yourself from ministers and ministries that have taken on the mantle of covetousness and wealth grasping. The Bible is clear that we are to withdraw ourselves from people who minister the spirit of covetousness. Gain is not godliness and godliness is not gain. From such withdraw yourself ! There is no clearer instruction in the Word of God. Withdraw yourself from ministries that charge the congregation with a desire for money, materialism and worldliness.

Look at the fight men have for money! See how men die in the search for treasures of gold and diamonds under the earth and under muddy rivers. Today, most people just desire to be rich. They fight, they struggle and they sacrifice everything for money. God’s Word teaches us not to do that.

You can be a servant of God who fights for the souls of men. You can make yourself a saviour of men by fighting the devil who has taken possession of the world and the people that are in it.