READ: Hebrews 11:23-28

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; CHOOSING RATHER TO SUFFER affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy THE PLEASURES OF SIN FOR A SEASON;” – Hebrews 11:24-25

By faith Moses overcame his attraction to the pleasures of sin. He was able to turn away from the attractions and temptations of modern Egypt. He turned away and walked deep into the desert and lived the life of a nomad for forty years. Moses chose rather to suffer than to enjoy the pleasures of sin. A normal person will not choose to suffer. A normal person will rather choose to enjoy the pleasures of sin.

Today, many struggle with sin, temptation and immorality. Satan accuses and abuses us all the time because of our failings. We have no peace in our minds and our souls because we are constantly dirty in our own eyes. There is good news for you and me today. Faith is a master key to overcoming sin and moral weakness. Fornication, immorality, homosexuality and all other perversions can be overcome by faith.

Sin is an evil thing with a power behind it. Sin is an evil, mysterious mutation that has occurred in the natural race. It is neither natural nor easy to escape from its power. There is an evil spirit behind sin. Sin is indeed a mysterious thing drawing even the most spiritual down, if it can. This evil power draws men who do not want to sin. Many people simply give up, as they are overwhelmed with the power of iniquity. This is where faith comes in.

Faith is a very important thing. Faith is something you must develop because it will help you overcome the power of sin and iniquity. Your faith will really help you to be a good Christian. I predict that all forms of sin, wickedness, stealing, sinful pleasures, pornography, adultery, fornication, jealousy, quarrelling, gossiping, drunkenness, drugs and addictions will be overcome by the power of faith in God. By faith, you will walk away from all addictions that threaten your Christianity.