READ: Ezekiel 47:1-5

And … he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again he measured … the waters were to the knees. Again he measured …, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins. Afterward he measured … and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in …” – Ezekiel 47:3-5

You can walk in the river of anointing at ankle level, knee level, loin level or swimming level.

Operating at the ankle level means you have barely entered the supernatural. Ninety-nine per cent of your life is outside the supernatural. Operating at the knee level means you have gone a little deeper into the supernatural but seventyfive per cent of your life is still outside the supernatural realm. Operating at the loin level means you have gone even further into the supernatural but fifty per cent of your life is still outside the supernatural realm. The swimming level is the supernatural level in ministry.

The level of the anointing must increase from ankle level, to knee level, to loin level and then to the swimming level. It is only at the swimming level that the waters of the river begin to have a fantastic effect on you. Lower levels of the anointing may just make you wet and uncomfortable. At the swimming level, everything about you is enveloped in the supernatural. Your teaching, your preaching, your business, your decisions, your meetings, your singing, your music, your churches are all enveloped in the supernatural. At this level, the supernatural is no longer reserved for church services. You will notice that Jesus Christ operated at this level. Jesus Christ performed supernatural healings everywhere.

Jesus was swimming in the anointing and the supernatural. He was operating in the highest form of the anointing. Everything about Him was anointed. His thoughts, His actions, His relaxed times at home or in a boat with His disciples were all supernatural times. That is the highest level of anointing. Jesus did not sing worship songs before performing miracles. Before the song, after the song and during the song, Jesus was anointed and supernatural.