READ: Matthew 11:7-15

“He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord…“ – Luke 1:17 (NLT)

When I decide to become another of the same kind, I simply copy the systems and techniques that have produced the results in the one I am copying from. Since I am going to be another of the same kind, the same kind of methods that worked for him will surely work for me! Jesus described John the Baptist as coming in the spirit of Elijah – a copy! He actually said, “This is Elias, which was for to come” (Matthew 11:14).

Copying makes things easier for you on this road of ministry. It gives you access to strategies and formulae that have worked for your kind. Many who are called to the ministry do not know how to walk the road of ministry . They know God has called them but don’t have a clue as to how to progress. Many men of God do not know how to climb into higher heights in ministry. They see other men of God accomplishing great things but don’t know that they can do the same!

The road to accomplishing the same things is clear now. Humble yourself and become another of the same kind. Don’t try to be unique, special or different. You do not have to create a new name. Just become a copy of something that is working. Use the techniques they used. Follow them very closely. Preach what they preach. Pray in the same way that they pray. Seek God in the same way that they do. Have as close a relationship to God as they do. You will surely become a marvelous copy of something successful.