READ: Psalm 118:5-14

They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.” – Psalm Psalm 118:11-12

Do you have any situation in your life which makes you feel surrounded with no way out? Is everything you do leading to the same point of failure and frustration? Perhaps a real curse is in operation.

Too many Christians spend a lot of time trying to find out if there is a curse from their grandmother or from their ancestors. That is not what is necessary. Why bother to find out if your grandmother, your great grandfather has brought about a curse into the family? I can assure you that your family is as wicked as any other family on earth. I am sure that your family has an equal number of bad people, sinners, witches and wizards as any other family. Stop wasting your time searching for the sources and the origins of curses and witchcraft.

As for the curse it is real and it is present! No matter how much faith you have, your faith does not go above what is written in the Bible. Instead of wasting your time trying to find out if there is a curse in your family, you must assume that there is one. The Bible has told us clearly that there is a curse operating under the sun. Whether you are in Ghana, Nigeria, Romania, America, England, Germany or Malaysia, you will sweat before you eat.

You will discover that the same frustrations of death and futility are found everywhere. Like everyone else on earth, you are most likely surrounded. What you need to do is to find out how to come out of a situation in which you are surrounded. Once you understand what it means to be surrounded, you can work your way out of it.