READ: 1 Kings 18:1-16

But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went…” – Numbers 14:24

Obadiah was the governor of the house of King Ahab. This means that he was a very important person to the king. He was a trusted confidant. Yet unknown to Ahab, Obadiah was secretly feeding hundreds of prophets. He was probably using King Ahab’s food to support the prophets who were the arch-enemies of King Ahab. Obviously, Obadiah did not believe in the policies of King Ahab. His heart was not with the king.

There are many people who work closely with their superiors but do not believe in them. They undermine them all the time! How can a person be so close, yet so disloyal? Can you believe that Ahab’s money was being used to finance the very thing he hated? This happens when there are disloyal people in important positions.

Many important positions are filled with disloyal and traitorous people. Obadiah was in a similar position. He did not believe in what Ahab was doing. His real allegiance was to Almighty God.

Why? I believe that the fact that Ahab was a rebellious king who did not obey the Lord, was a signal to everyone around that rebellion and disloyalty were acceptable. As soon as the spirit of disloyalty is manifested from the top, it begins to filter downwards. When the overall leader does not care for God or His principles, this attitude is transmitted down the ranks. Disloyalty breeds disloyalty!