READ: Daniel 3:9-29

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the FIERY DARTS OF THE WICKED.” – Ephesians 6:16

Faith in God will stop the violence of fire. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are the great example of people who went through the violence of fire. You are a modern day Shadrach, Meshach or Abednego. Today, we have the threat of the violence of fire in our modern lives. There are armed attacks everywhere in the world. From America to Afghanistan, you can expect there to be some violence of fire. There are armed robberies everywhere. There are innocent-looking people who are heavily armed and ready to kill. In the olden days, there were dangers from wild animals. Today, human beings are much more dangerous than wild animals.

By your faith, you will stop the violence of fire. By faith, your house will not burn or catch fire. By faith you will not die by the violence of gunfire. By faith, the violence of attacks of armed robbers and murderers will not work on you.

By faith Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not burn. Your skin will also not burn! By faith a bullet will not enter you! By faith the bullet will miss your heart and every vital structure in your body. By faith, terrorists will not find you! By faith, armed robbers will not enter your dwelling place! The eye of the evil one who seeks to destroy you will go blind before he gets to you. The plans to invade your house will fail!

By faith, the people who tried to kill Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were burned themselves. I predict that the terrorists and armed robbers will burn and kill themselves before they get to you. By faith, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego escaped the violence of burning by fire. By faith, they obtained the promises of God that God would deliver them. In the same way, God will deliver you!