READ: Luke 13:24-30
Strive to enter in at the strait [narrow] gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.:-Luke 13:24
On this earth, frivolous and deceptive things are popular. The masses follow emptiness, shallowness, jollity and inconsequentiality.
Jesus predicted that the masses would pass through the broad gate, following unimportant, insignificant, petty and trivial things. The masses will pass through the broad gate following the devil blindly into damnation. Jesus predicted that many people would regret going on the broad way. They will regret not choosing the clearly marked narrow gate that leads to life.
Jesus prophesied that there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth because people followed the crowd and did what was popular, rather than what was right. Do you want to regret for the rest of eternity, that you followed the crowd rather than following the Lord?
I remember a brother who followed an evil man for many years and got destroyed in a terrible way. After being destroyed, this individual was weeping and gnashing his teeth for having trusted a deceiver for so long. Unfortunately, following this evil man led to many terrible judgments and consequences. Being deceived is no reason to be excused from judgment. Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent but they were still judged with a terrible judgment that we are all reeling under today.
Dear friend, you must guard your heart against the deception of following emptiness, shallowness, triviality and worthlessness. Do not be deceived by shining and glittering things. God does not care about man’s opinion. Do not try to please men. Do not try to follow the crowd!