READ: Genesis 5:18-24

And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” – Genesis 5:22-24

One of the people who walked with God and therefore experienced God’s presence continuously was Enoch. The presence of God is something that seemed to come and go. Indeed, the people who experienced the presence of God did not seem to experience His presence continuously, but intermittently. However, some people seemed to have experienced God’s presence continuously.

To continually dwell in the presence of God is not easy. Most of us experience the presence of God intermittently. The reward for staying continually in the presence of God was that Enoch transitioned from this life into the next without seeing death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. As soon as a believer dies, he is instantly present with the Lord.

If the presence of God is continuous on your life, dying will not be difficult. It will be a transition from one level of the presence of God to another. If, for instance, a Korean travels to an African country and lives amongst Koreans, eats Korean food, visits Korean restaurants and has only Korean friends, travelling back to Korea will not be such a drastic experience because even in Africa, he virtually lived in the presence of Koreans.

This is what it is like to transition from the presence of God on earth to the presence of God in Heaven. As you walk in the presence of God on earth, you experience heavenly things continuously whilst on earth. Indeed, you are experiencing Heaven on earth. To go to Heaven will be the smallest transition ever