READ: Psalm 118:5-14

They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them” – Psalm 118:12

To be cursed is to be surrounded. Nothing works and nothing will work when you are surrounded. All definitions of a curse bring you to this conclusion – you are surrounded! They compassed me about like bees … Psalm 118:12

Let us try to understand what it means to be surrounded. If you are surrounded by death, you will find it in every direction you go. Therefore, if you are cursed to die, whichever direction you turn, you will still die. You could die just making a cup of tea. You could go on a long journey and still die. A curse does not depend on a person’s ability to escape. A curse comes to pass because there is no way to escape from it. When there is a curse on a family for example, none of the girls are able to get married. Whether they are tall, short, fair or dark, pretty or ugly, the result is the same. No marriage!

Human beings have the curse of death hovering over their heads. Whether you are rich, poor, famous, unimportant, European, American, African, black or white, death is the enemy you will have to meet. There is no escape from this enemy no matter who you are.

It is important to understand a curse in this way if you want to overcome it. When a small city is surrounded by a mighty king with his armies, death and destruction seem inevitable. There is no escape and there is no way out of the city. Whatever you do, the result will be the same – death!