READ: Haggai 1:2-14

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33

Humanly speaking, if you seek the financial kingdom, finances may be added to you. That is not God’s wisdom. If you want to experience divine provision, you must seek the kingdom of God first and things will be supernaturally added to your life.

Very few people actually invest in the kingdom of God. They build their own lives and give God the pennies and the change. Listen to me dear friend. When you build God’s kingdom, it causes you to have His hand on your little kingdom.

There are two main ways we can contribute to building God’s kingdom. You can contribute spiritually. Secondly, you can actually build the kingdom of God by physical means. Spiritually building the kingdom of God involves praying, fasting, preaching, counselling and witnessing. Physically building the kingdom of God involves using your money to construct chapels and other buildings for the glory of God.

If you study this passage in the book of Haggai, you will notice that the Lord was concerned about the physical construction of his house. It is true that the church is essentially a spiritual thing. But without the buildings, we have nowhere to assemble and to worship. God wants churches to have their own beautiful buildings.

That is why God blesses people who help to build His church. Do you want God’s eyes to be on you? Then build His kingdom.