READ: Mark 16:15-20

…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe…” – Mark 16:15-17

The Great Commission is a commission with signs following. Jesus said, “These signs shall follow [you]!” Expect these signs to follow you throughout your ministry.

Expect to speak with new tongues: Supernatural tongues will flow out of every great commissioner. Hours and hours of tongues must pour out of you. Tongues are a supernatural form of communication between you and Heaven. Just as secret service personnel have radios for their secret and mysterious communication, you have been given tongues for your secret and mystical communication with Heaven.

Expect to cast out devils: Demon spirits have occupied the masses. When you encounter a human being, you can assume you are encountering a demon power behind the person. We are dealing with demon spirits all the time.

Expect to survive the eating of poisonous and unhealthy things: Many of the things we eat today are not healthy. Because you are a gospel commissioner, you will not be harmed by anything that you eat or drink. Others may die from it, but you will survive!

Expect to survive life-threatening and dangerous activities like taking up serpents: Others may die from it but you will not die. What kills others will not kill you because you are a great commissioner.

Expect to lay hands on the sick and expect the sick to recover: You become a powerful vessel of healing when you are a great commissioner. Do not underestimate your prayers. Your prayers will make people well. Your prayers will bring miracles to many people.