READ: Matthew 10:5-20

Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” – Matthew 10:16

It is a fact that snakes are amazing creatures, superbly surviving and multiplying in spite of the generalized hatred that exists towards them.

If Jesus had not spoken about the wisdom of serpents we may have overlooked the superior wisdom that they live by. Now, we must pay special attention to these creatures and learn what we can from them. So, what is the wisdom of a serpent?

Would you not want to have the wisdom that would make you flourish through all the changing scenes of life? How many people are able to stay rich and prosperous through all seasons of life? Would you not want the wisdom that would make people fear you and treat you with proper respect? Do you not want the wisdom that will make you quietly accomplish all your goals in this life?

Serpents are considered to be wise because they:
– have continued to exist in an ever-modernising world, while many wild animals are becoming extinct in our modern world.
– have been able to flourish even though they are hated by everyone.
– evoke fear and respect in human beings.
– live in every continent and every part of the world.
– function in every sphere; on land, in the sea, in fresh water and even in the air.
– accomplish their goals in this world. In spite of all the odds stacked against the snakes, they are able to live, eat and multiply.

To be wise, you must think, meditate and ponder over facts, truths and statements. When Jesus said, ‘be wise as serpents’ He was giving a dark saying; a saying that is full of wisdom, meaning and guidance.