READ: Proverbs 7:7-27


“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” – Hebrews 13 : 4

As Christians, we should not just set eyes on people, fall in love and get married. No! There is more to Christian marriage than love at first sight!

During a pastoral visit in New Jersey , I became acquainted with an elderly African-American woman. She had lost one of her sons recently . Her son, a pastor in New York, had gotten married to this beautiful lady . Before the marriage they had done the AIDS tests, but both were negative. So he went ahead and married her. However, some months into the marriage the lady developed full blown AIDS, with terrible diarrhoea, weight loss and all the usual symptoms. Her son also died a few months after his wife. Dear friend, this pastor unknowingly married someone who probably had a bad history; probably a strange woman! He paid for it with his life.

Another Christian brother had a beautiful wedding, but later, the Spirit of God revealed horrible things about his wife to him. He was shocked to find out that she had slept with many pastors and mighty men. I am not saying that you shouldn’t marry somebody who has a history perse. But you must know about the person’s past life in order to guard yourself.

The strange woman in Proverbs 7 was probably married: “For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey” (Proverbs 7:19). You should remember that a strange person can display that character even in marriage.