READ: Mark 7:31-37

And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak” – Mark 7:37

Never allow any of these human elements to become pronounced in your perception of God’s servants. They will just turn into barriers to the anointing.

What you must realise is that, we are like specks of dust before God. We are of no importance to him. He is not impressed by our human preferences and he has no intention of impressing us. If you are too choosy, God will bypass you and give his anointing to a humble person who can receive.

Who knows, maybe God may one day use you to minister to others. Why should anybody receive from a mere human like you if you were not prepared to receive from other human beings?

Drop all barriers right now! Open yourself to the Spirit of God! Receive the anointing of God as he blesses you through special human vessels! Do not let questions of age, sex, personality, colour, tribe, family background, education or even rumours block you off from the anointing!

Your life will never be the same when the barriers to the anointing are gone! These barriers are in your mind! They are psychological obstructions to the flow of God’s gift. Humble yourself right now and receive an impartation of the anointing through a human vessel! After all, you have no choice— that is the way the anointing flows!