READ: Proverbs 31:25-31

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” – Psalms 139:14

Everyone is beautiful. Everyone has some beauty about him or her. You should never think that you are not beautiful. God took time to design you; to create your nose just the way it is. Perhaps He made your ears small, and your lips as full as they are. God has not made you a disappointment or a disaster. He does not make such things. If you are short, being short is beautiful. If you are black, being black is beautiful; and if you are white, being white is equally beautiful.

God made you that way. Look at yourself in the mirror, and admire yourself. There is no need to change any part of your body. Accept what you are, and believe that you are beautiful because God created you.

Some people think of themselves as ugly because someone teased them when they were younger. Maybe in school they called you names. Therefore, although you have grown into a beautiful young lady, you still believe you look like a sparrow. Do not listen to those lies; they are just jealous of you. When people tease you, they are probably jealous of you because you have something they do not have and they envy you.

You must begin to appreciate beauty in everything that God has made. Some people are not happy with what they have. However, there is beauty in every man and in every woman.

You must know that you are beautiful the way you are. Look at yourself in the mirror again and say, “Lord, I thank you because I’m beautifully and wonderfully made!”