Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” – Ezekiel 37:9

Flow with the breath of God and begin to see, hear and feel. You receive life when the breath of God comes into you: Life has feelings, life has sight and life makes sounds. One of the things that will shock you about dead bodies is the way they do not respond to a knife cutting them. This is only because the person is dead. He is without feeling, without sight and without sound.

Everything that has life can see and can hear. This is why the inability to see or to hear is a severe handicap that demands great compassion from fellow human beings. When the wind of the Holy Spirit blows on you, you start to see, you start to hear and you start to feel. When the wind of the Spirit is flowing, you will see visions and you will hear the voice of the Lord. When you are flowing with the wind of the Spirit you will enjoy the work of God. You will like it. You will love it. You will have feelings.

When the wind of the Spirit is in you, there will be activity. Churches that have activity prove that the Spirit of God is moving in them. Where there are no activities, there is no Spirit.

Flow with the breath of God and begin activities. You receive life when the breath of God comes into you: Life has activity. When a person is dead, he does not get involved in parties, he does not go to school, he does not go to work and he does not go to church. There is no more activity for him (Genesis 7:21-22). A sign of the presence of the breath of the Spirit is lots of activity