READ: John 3:14-18

For God so LOVED THE WORLD, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” – John 3:16

Jesus Christ died for the whole world. He gave His blood to save “others”. Most of us would not even lift a finger for “others”. The idea of dying for “others” is unthinkable to most of us.

“Why should I die for someone?” “I don’t even want to die for myself !” “Let them go to hell!” is the unspoken cry of many believers today. They say, “I do not know how people got into their unfortunate state. It is not my fault that people are going to hell. It is not my fault that people are suffering. I didn’t cause the problems and I don’t see how I am going to solve them.”

Most people simply love their husbands, their wives and their children. Some people show great love for their extended families. Some people have a strong and extraordinary love for their tribes. But Jesus Christ loved this whole world full of wicked people. This great love for “others” is the exact opposite of the human selfishness which has destroyed our world.

Many of us think to ourselves, “These ungrateful people do not deserve even five minutes of my time. They will not appreciate all the efforts I make.” But Jesus Christ came into the world to save ungrateful people who, mostly, do not appreciate what He has done for them.

He came unto His own and His own received Him not (John 1:11). Jesus died for us. Yet, just a few people have received Him as Saviour. If you think about whether people will appreciate what you do for them, you will never do the will of God. It is time to become like Jesus! It is time to listen to the heart of Jesus and follow how He cares for “others”!