READ: Romans 13:1-7

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Romans 13:1 (NKJV)

People murmur when they are corrected, rebuked and warned about their bad behaviour. Many people react badly to correction and rebukes. They feel they are being badly treated. It is important that you see that God is correcting you for genuine errors you have made.

Anyone who is angry at authority is angry at God. It is your duty to flow with authorities that have been set by God. Decide that you will not be one of those who murmur against the leader. Murmuring is the distinctive sign of rebellion and disloyalty. I always watch out for people speaking undertone. Once I notice people whispering, talking quietly but hushing up when I get near, I know that something is wrong.

Watch out for people who stop talking when you come into the room! Watch out for people who cannot say to you what they were saying to others. Watch out for people who seem to have something to say on the side whenever there is a meeting! Watch out for people who speak undertone to a neighbour whilst you are preaching. Murmurers are dangerous people!

Murmuring reveals that you are not worthy of the high position that God is calling you to. Murmuring reveals that you are in the wrong group. Murmuring reveals that you should find some other job to do, far away from the house of God.

Do not complain about anything! Learn to work peacefully and have a good attitude. Learn to have a pure heart! Learn to flow nicely and be cheerful about everything! Murmurers turn into bitter, malicious, damaging personalities. God is trying to save you from such wickedness. God is trying to help you to become one of the few that are chosen!