READ: Luke 9:6-11

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings… ” – Malachi 4:2

Jesus said that He was anointed to heal the broken-hearted. Broken hearts are caused by disappointments in general. Many people have been surprised by what life has brought them. People live as though everything is okay but they are bleeding, disappointed and hurting inside. Many of man’s problems cannot be cured by drugs, by the psychologist or by the psychiatrist.

Many need a touch from God to give them hope. God touches people’s lives to heal their broken hearts. Many wonder why people keep coming to church because they think pastors are just taking money from the masses. They wonder why people do not see through the supposed “deception”. People are smiling on the outside but are crying on the inside. Those who criticize the church don’t know what the church does for people.

A talk show host was interviewing a famous healing evangelist and trying to make him look foolish. The phone lines were opened and a caller who had cancer wanted the evangelist to pray for him. The television host was faced with a desperate, weepy caller who urgently needed help. Only the evangelist could offer that help – the relevance of his ministry was obvious to all. More people kept calling and asking for prayer for their desperate and hopeless conditions.

People have needs and the healing anointing will meet those needs. When you have the power of God with miracles and manifestations of the Spirit, the broken-hearted will flock to you.