READ: Exodus 26:30-37

And THOU SHALT MAKE BOARDS FOR THE TABERNACLE OF SHITTIM WOOD standing up. Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and a cubit and a half shall be the breadth of one board” – Exodus 26: 15 16

The use of shittim wood in the Tabernacle is a revelation of how to create God’s residence. Shittim wood was used in the outer court whilst gold was used in the holy places. Shittim wood was used in the making of the joints of the tent. Shittim wood was also used for the boards of the Tabernacle, the poles of the wall, the pillars and the table of shewbread. Indeed, shittim wood was used to support the whole building.

Shittim wood was special because it did not decay easily. Shittim wood speaks of doing the work of God in such a way that it will not deteriorate or wither away quickly.

I once attended a funeral in Europe. The coffin was remarkably simple and looked a little cheap. One of the family members explained to me. He said, “In this cemetery, we are not allowed to use quality wood. We are only allowed to use coffins made of cheap wood that decays, disintegrates and dissolves quickly.” The cemetery wants the body and the wood of the coffin to dissolve as fast as possible because they need to give the space to another dead person. This cemetery would certainly not want coffins made out of shittim wood.

You must build the Tabernacle of God with shittim wood. Shittim wood signifies something that does not deteriorate or decay. God will not inhabit places that are not made out of shittim wood. God’s presence will not be found in ministries that are decaying and failing.