READ: 1 Kings 19:19-21

Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts…” – 1 Corinthians 14:1

God will pass over a thousand people who don’t care much for the anointing and will give it to a person who strongly desires it.

Did you know that Elijah’s first servant was not Elisha? Did you know that Elijah’s first servant was bypassed when it was time to be anointed? This servant was active in ministry but he was not chosen to be anointed by God. It was this servant who Elijah sent seven times to see if the rain clouds had appeared: 1 Kings 18:42, 43.

Why did this servant not receive the anointing? Why did Elisha, who was not even in the ministry, receive the anointing? Elish was involved in business. He was plowing a field with his other business partners. What happened to the servant? Why wasn’t he anointed? Why didn’t he become the next great prophet?

Please learn this important principle right now! God will pass over a thousand people who don’t care much for the anointing and will give it to a person who strongly desires it.

Desire the anointing more than anything else in this world. That is the first step to becoming “anything” in the Kingdom of God. God told Pastor Timothy to look for people with a desire to be bishops. People with strong desires are those who get spiritual gifts.

But covet [desire] earnestly the best gifts… 1 Corinthians 12:31