READ: 1 Corinthians 1:26-30

Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.” – Psalms 140:13

You can continually stay in the presence of God by being upright. Your righteousness guarantees you the experience of the presence of God. As human beings, we do not stay in the presence of people who hate us, dislike us, or gossip about us. God also does not stay in the presence of people who hate Him, who disobey Him and who fight Him constantly.

The presence of God is for those who are in tune with God and who like Him very much. When you live an upright life, God has respect for you and He will dwell with you.

Sin brings a big separation between you and God (Isaiah 59:1-2). That is why the presence of God goes away from you when you sin. Indeed, it is the upright who enjoy the presence of God. Most of our sins have to do with pride or the flesh. It is important that you humble yourself before God if you want to experience the presence of God. Flesh and pride cannot be exalted in the presence of God. No flesh can lory in His presence. You must get rid of the sins of flesh and the sins of pride if you want to experience the presence of God. Many people have lost the presence of God because of sins of the flesh and sins of pride.

The presence of God is quite easy to detect when you know what it is like. Get tuned into the Spirit and start noticing people who still have the presence of God with them.