READ: Joshua 6:1-16

By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. – Hebrews 11:30

Which wall is keeping you out? There are walls that keep us out of where we want to be. Everyone has
a wall in his life. Many Africans have an invisible wall keeping them within their countries and out of Europe and America.

Joshua and Caleb desperately wanted to enter Jericho but there was a wall keeping them out. A very high wall indeed! Where do you need to be and where do you need to go? Perhaps you need to enter a certain group from which you have been excluded. Perhaps your lack of education keeps you out.

Maybe there is an upper class of the society from which you are being excluded. A wall has been raised and you have been excluded from certain meetings. Maybe there is a “wall of language” that keeps you out of a certain nations. It is very difficult to have an international ministry. Languages, culture, nationality, colour, governments and racism form huge barriers that keep your ministry out. Many missionaries have struggled behind the walls of culture, language, nationality, colour and racism. These walls have kept them from reaching the harvest fields. Today, the walls are coming down in the name of Jesus! I see you running over the wall and jumping into the city by faith.

Faith will cause you to climb every wall that keeps you out! Your ministry will no longer be confined to certain neighbourhoods and communities. You will climb the wall that restricts you to your community.
You will enter the cities of Jericho that God has destined for you. No city will be too strong for you! How will this be possible? Through faith.