READ: Mark 6:1-6

Is not this the carpenter, the Son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon and are not his sisters here with us?…” – Mark 6:3

Is that not interesting? After interacting with a man of God for so long, you can still receive him as an anointed vessel of God!

This is what the people of Jesus’ home town were not able to do. Jesus came into his own country and preached the same type of message. He came with the same anointing and the same spiritual gifts. But the first response to Jesus was to question his background.

You should hear how people talk. Is the man educated? Is he from the right family? Does he have the right accent? By the way, how old is he? Which tribe is he from? Is he tall? What does he look like? What kind of personality does he have? Is he choleric or phlegmatic? I hear the minister is a woman! Can a woman deliver the goods? Surely a woman can never be as anointed as a man! Please stop it right now! As they say in Ghana ‘stop dat roff derr’!

The most anointed healing minister I have ever known about was a woman — Kathryn Kuhlman. That woman carried a very strong healing anointing (yet she was not a man!).

If the sex of the minister is so important to you, you may end up excluding yourself from much of God’s blessing. God may desire to bless you through a woman.

The essential difference between a man and a woman is found deep within the genes. Women have ‘XX’ genes and men have ‘XY’ genes. This is a very tiny difference.

Why should that little gene within, prevent you from receiving a life changing impartation?