READ: Romans 6:12-18

“Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.” – Romans 6:12

We need prayer to be able to deal with sin. “And He said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” (Luke 22:46). The disciples slept on that fateful night. All of them were
tempted, and all of them fell. It is not only Judas who forsook Christ on that night. All the disciples
deserted their master in the day of His greatest need.

Prayer is very important to prevent you from falling into temptation. Prayer strengthens you for whatever is coming your way. Next time you fast, get up early and pray before the day. You will find supernatural strength to go on. This strength comes from prayer. When you pray you build up your spirit and become spiritually strong.

The Bible says the body without the spirit is dead. That means the day your spirit goes out of your body, you will die. It also means that whatever is happening in your body is affected by your spirit.

Praying in the spirit, or praying in an unknown tongue helps you to fight off certain temptations. Once, Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days and nights. Soon afterwards, the devil decided to tempt Him, but He was too strong for the devil. The devil had chosen the wrong time to attack Christ.

Many years ago, the devil tried to bring a temptation my way. But that day, the Lord led me to pray for hours. I did not even know why the tongues seemed to be rolling out of me. That prayer delivered me!