READ: Acts 24:1-16

And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him…” – Mark 11:18

Jesus Christ was the subject of the highest kind of satanic onslaught. He suffered directly from the paranoid delusions (fears) of the Pharisees, Scribes and Chief Priests. They feared His ministry, power and authority. He experienced first-hand their derogatory and insulting accusations. He was insulted and accused continually until He stopped breathing on the cross.

This is the highest kind of satanic attack that comes against God’s messengers. The two well-known titles of Satan are “the father of lies” (John 8:44) and “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10). It is important for Christians not to imagine the nature and activity of Satan to be different from biblical accounts, but to believe what the Bible says. The principal work of Satan is to deceive and to accuse!

Through accusations and criticism, Satan is able to turn the brethren against each other. Through the activities of the accuser, we turn against each other and destroy each other! Accusations produce guilt, confusion, hatred, pressure and erroneous counter-measures and counter-accusations. Accusations cause distractions and the sidetracking of a powerful army from its true purpose.

Do not be an agent of accusation! When you accuse and criticize, you are employed by Satan himself to divide the church and to bring hatred where there should be love. You have no idea what you may be destroying through your criticism and accusation.