READ: Revelation 13:11-17

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth THE MARK of his name.” – Revelation 14:11

The mark of business and profitability is the mark of the beast. Without this mark, no one will be able to buy or sell. Therefore the mark of the beast is the mark of doing business and making profit.

The mark of the beast is to be placed on the right hand and on the forehead. The mark of the beast on the forehead results in your mind and thinking being dominated in every activity, by whether or not you will make profit. The mark of the beast on your right hand simply means that the mark of business and profitability will affect all the works of your hands. The mark of the beast releases utter corruption into anything it touches.

When the mark of business and profitability is on something, it will always be run as a business. In the secular world, things that are dominated by profit are usually corrupted. When politicians are corrupted by the mark of the beast, they run the nation as their personal business, seeking to get as much for themselves as they can.

When medical doctors are influenced solely by making profit, their practice is corrupted. For instance a doctor may choose to do a Caesarean section because he would make more money from that, than from a normal delivery. When lawyers seek only to make profit rather than doing what is right, they sacrifice their conscience and defend the indefensible.

The desire for more and more money always corrupts and destroys. The mark of the beast is the ultimate corrupter and destroyer!

If you have this mark of profitability on your ministry, you will attract the wrath of God instead of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This mark is so detestable to God that it is referred to over and over as the basis for God’s judgment and wrath.