READ: Matthew 18:10-14

For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” – Matthew 18:11

Many churches are not conscious of lost souls. Neither are they conscious of missions to win souls. This is obvious because of what a pastor preaches to their members. Today, most churches are fed on the doctrines of success, the doctrine of happiness, the doctrine of a good life, the doctrine of wealth creation, the doctrine of the market place and the doctrine of prosperity.

These concepts can be found in the Bible and there are many scriptures that can be pulled in here and there to make everyone conscious of success, wealth and happiness! However, even though these ideas can be supported from the Bible, they are not the main doctrines of the church. These doctrines are side topics. These things are blessings that follow some people who serve God.

To build a double mega missionary church, you need to have a congregation that is conscious of soul winning. A church must prioritize what Jesus has prioritized! A church must love what Jesus loves! A church must have on its heart what Jesus had on His heart! This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; … 1 Timothy 1:15

Do not be deceived by huge ministries that promote materialism and the grasping of riches. That is not the gospel! Most church members are not interested in soul winning. Their pastors are teaching them how to be rich, how to get things and how to be just like the world! If you could sense the presence of God, you would notice that many of these large and popular ministries do not have the presence of God even though they have a large crowd following them.