READ: Ezekiel 1:4-5, 26

Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.” – Ezekiel 10:1

Above the cherubim in the firmament is blue like a sapphire stone. The blue in the firmament above, speaks of the loyalty and permanence of God’s throne. The scripture is full of examples that use blue or sapphire as a symbol of awesome royalty, commitment, stability and faithfulness.

Ezekiel saw a vision of four living creatures. These are stable, faithful, loyal creatures that hover around the throne of God. Their appearance is like the sapphire stone. As you become stable, immovable and permanent in ministry, you will experience the power and presence of God.

Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu saw God sitting on a blue sapphire pavement – Exodus 24:9-12. Blue is the colour on which God sets His throne. It is the colour of stability, loyalty and faithfulness. Fight for loyalty, faithfulness and stability in your ministry, and you will experience the greatness of His presence in your life.

Every person who is used by God must be covered in a blue cloth of loyalty and faithfulness. The blue cloth speaks of the loyalty and constancy that must characterize your calling and ministry. A person who can be faithful to his original calling will experience the presence of God.

The blueness of a wound speaks of healing – Proverbs 20:30. Everyone is wounded in the battle of ministry. Hatred, bitterness and evil thoughts sprout where there are unhealed wounds. Hurts and offences are well known causes of disloyalty and unfaithfulness. The blueness of your wound therefore speaks of your resistance to being set aside by hurts and offences.

You will experience the presence of God as you grow in “blue”: faithfulness, loyalty, stability, dependability and constancy!