READ : 1 Samuel 1:9-28

…thou shalt keep and perform…according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth” – Deuteronomy 23:23

God is a covenant-keeping God. There is a little understood revelation on how to move the hand of God, which I call the key of covenant making.

Hannah made a covenant to give her child to the Lord. Initiating a covenant with the Lord can provoke Him to bless you supernaturally; Hannah provoked God to open her womb and to release her children to her. She promised Him the first child even if it was the only one.

Jacob was another person who covenanted to the Lord and by that invoked a great blessing on his life (Genesis 28:20-21).

A final example of someone who covenanted to the Lord was Jephthah (Judges 11:30-31).

Covenant making is a special kind of prayer in which you engage the Lord in a legally binding agreement. Many people become unfaithful when He honours them in the ministry. The Lord is looking for faithful people who will remain true to His calling as the years go by. Perhaps a prayer of commitment from you to always be faithful to the call of God will release the grace of God that you so desire upon your life. If you will not be faithful to God, why will He give you His precious anointing?

All those who made these covenants kept them and the Lord also kept His side of the covenant.